Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"Have car, will travel, BEWARE!" Prologue

This is a fair warning to any and all that ever join me, or run into me while I am traveling. I am letting you know right now that I am in some way shape or form cursed in a very specific capacity.

I cannot drive while traveling for pleasure in hot climates without something very wrong happening.

Now I realize this seems way to specific for it to really matter, but hear me out on this. After all, I pride myself on knowing that I will at least try to do what is right for my fellow man, and therefore knowing that I have some sort of curse over my head in regards to self-operated transportation in a place that is approximately in excess of 75 degrees on average throughout most of the year, I feel that it is my duty to tell you now to keep clear.

Besides, I want to be the guy in the picture- relaxing and enjoying. What this picture doesn't tell you is that I had just been a part of the third major accident/issue involving motorized vehicles within a 48 hour period. Just call me the modern day John Candy, because whether by plane, train or automobile, I am sure to get involved in some sort of trouble.

I guess I should learn from past lessons that it is not a good thing for me to even try to operate cars, scooters, motor bikes, trucks, etc. while in these climates because too much damn stupidness happens. Call it stubbornness, call it ignorance, call it naivety- whatever. Just know that while on vacation, in hot climates, I don't plan on sitting around the Sandal's resort sipping piña coladas (the drink above was a piña colada, but not at Sandals) and watching Betty and Lou from Des Moines try their hand at hula dancing. I want to get out there and see things for myself. No matter the dangers involved. No matter the curse that has and probably always will plague me.

This is not a revelation by the way that has just hit me all of a sudden. No, the signs were there from the very beginning. So please enjoy the following chapters in a book (albeit a short and choppy one) I would like to call “Have Care, Will Travel, Beware!”

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